Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Leader or Follower?

Those people that embrace all forms of CULTURE

The Love is...

Simply Lovely

The Womanizer Strikes Again

Dead since 1973, Pablo Picasso is still making headlines

271 peices found in monsieur Le Guennec's (the electrician and handyman) garage.

Supposeldy given as gifts from Picasso's wife
Pierre Le Guennec

The Genius that is Karl Lagerfeld

"...the minute you think the past is better, your present is second hand and your self becomes vintage...it's okay for clothes...it's not so great for people."

Less is more

Lead Pencil Studio

The billboard revolt.


Amazing! Not only is this a great lecture, but RSA Animate does an excellent job at visualizes the concepts. Hey everyone, this is how my brain works! I'm If only they could animate all aspects of my life...then I'd me set. Without the pictures, the words mean nothing to me.

Fate, you scare me sometimes

All the "what ifs"?

The Green School Of Bali

C'est MAGNIFIQUE hein?

Can I please come work for you? Beautiful school, beautiful people, beautiful ideology.